Become more proactive rather than reactive, and influence results rather than being influenced by them.
This free diagnostic tool (Excel file) will help management teams assess where their Finance organization stands and where it needs to focus to evolve into a more strategic, high-impact part of the business.
Use the assessment to determine which level of maturity you are currently operating at:
- Level 1: Non-existent, ad hoc. An organization really has no consistent way of performing its work. Processes are constantly reinvented on each project and frequently appear chaotic, reactive, uncontrolled.
- Level 2: Repeatable, developing. Some processes are repeatable, with roughly repeatable outcomes.
- Level 3: Baseline, defined. Practices are documented and integrated into a common process in which the entire organization is trained. Risks, inconsistencies, and inefficiencies are mitigated. Capabilities are aligned with and support company strategy.
- Level 4: Managed, advanced. Processes are managed and effectively controlled according to metrics defined in Level 3. Management is able to take corrective action earlier than in previous levels. Performance is much more predictable.
- Level 5: Optimized, leading. The organization understands which processes can benefit most from improvement actions, and process improvement becomes perpetual.